Friday, September 30, 2005

I Want My UC Back.

Ok, I am going to whine just because I can. Let me say up front I know that people are trying to be comforting/encouraging. I appreciate it. I do.
But people who say "Oh my 3rd cousin twice removed", "the son of the guy my husband works with", "my great aunt" had crohns/had surgery/never had another problem are driving me crazy. Yeah, well that is swell. I hope I will too. This didn't happen much with Ulcerative Colitis.

Added to all of this...I have become the topic of department gossip. Let me just say these people are going out of their way to be nice and accomodating to me. They have been sorting out how to deal with the fact I have no sick leave left and obviously need my insurance and a job. I really, really appreciate it.

On the other hand, I have spent the entire time I have worked here trying not to be the topic of conversation. I don't want to be chatted about because I am the poor, sick girl. I don't want to be chatted about because I have the weird kids. I don't want to be chatted about because I am the famous ex-wife. I don't want to be chatted about because I am the lesbian. I don't care if anyone knows any or all of the above. (ok, the poor sick girl thing I would be happy to hide) I am proud of my partner and our children. Want to meet them? Want to chat with me about them? Want me to ramble about them? They get dropped into daily conversation. Hell, I am even generally proud of my ex husband. (I should be, I worked my ass off to get him where he is today.) Don't gossip about my tummy troubles geez..

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Emsxiety said...

lol I like that.. I worked my ass off to get him where he is today!

Sneadwoman said...

I hear ya my friend. I personally tell everyone I know my sob story to get it out of the way. "I have two liver diseases, a son with autism, my mother recently died of another autoimmune disease.. oh my exhusband sucks wang."

But I think you should be the center of attention. You're so cute!

TW said...

Hey Snead, stop flirting. You had your chance with me. ;-)