To the general practice doctor. It wasn't a UTI, which is what I was figuring. At least the quick test didn't say so. I saw a different doctor in the practice, new guy, wet behind the ears.
He kept asking stupid questions like: have you been running a fever? Umm no, I am on nice meds that would mean that if I had run any sort of significant fever I would BE IN THE HOSPITAL. Any blood in the stool? I have crohn's that is a daily if not hourly occurrence. Any nausea, vomiting? Again, I have CROHN's. Any stomach pain? ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGh At one point after I said I have crohns so it is hard to say, he said he did go to medical school. At which point I was DONE. His answer was he thinks I have pulled a muscle. (Was I in a car accident? Was I sure I hadn't been in a car accident?)
He wants me to get an x-ray. Why??????? That never was clear why. and come back in a week. Sigh. It felt better-like vanished-for about 24 hours, but now it is back to hurting like hell. sigh. I wanted it to be a simple infection-antibiotics. all better. But no, instead, tests.
I don't know whether I want to waste the time going back. I 99% sure the xray will show nothing, which will mean more tests. More money. More time off work. Fairly certain though it isn't a pulled muscle. Pulled muscles don't make you exhausted. They don't make you pee all the time. They don't last for 3 months.