Monday, July 31, 2006

Blogher Bathroom Wrap Up

Well, Blogher is now over and I am about to step on a plane headed home. Yay! Boo! Blogher was overwhelming but bathroom troubles were not too overwhelming. Yes, I had them. (duh.) But, I rarely encountered a real line.

Best of all: NO WET TOILET SEATS. None. 700 women using a public bathroom and not leaving pee all over the seats. Really. Picture that. Was everyone afraid Dooce or Grace would come into the stall after them and see their pee on the seat? Was it the lack of anonymity in person and all the blog crushes? I have no idea, but it really made my weekend.

Thanks to everyone for being handwashers too. I would like to think it was everyone who read Denise's Be Prepared post. (goodness knows enough of you did, I was vastly amused by everyone who told her they took her advice and brought a heating pad and were appreciative of that advice.) I think it really is the peer pressure of having groups of women in the bathroom. Or it could have been all the sticky finger food served.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Blogher Bathrooms

The bathrooms have not been overcrowded thus far. This is good because I have been a LOT. 4 times in the first session. Sigh. z

Sunday, July 23, 2006

TRUE GUTS: Struggle and Triumph Over Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

TRUE GUTS: Struggle and Triumph Over Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

Just in case you didn't see Josh's comment a couple weeks ago or didn't go to visit, go! Do it. He has got a cool Crohns/Ulcerative Colitis dvd/movie and a TrueGutsForum too! Go wander, whether you have tummy troubles or not.

5 Days to Blogher

5 days to Blogher and I am worried. There will be a passel of women there. That brings up a huge issue: bathrooms. Have they arranged to commandeer the men's bathrooms? If not: attention Bloghims: women will invade "your" bathroom.

As for the tummy troubled (and I know I won't be the only one) I am hoping that our room is relatively close to the action. Travel isn't friendly to my gut most of the time.

pepto-bismol ice cream

blogjam » Blog Archive » pepto-bismol ice cream

Ice Cream for the tummy troubled?

Monday, July 17, 2006

August? September?

Well, as mentioned ct scan was fine except for the vexing ovarian cyst that showed up and caused the GI to send me to get a nice pap and pelvic before surgery. "When did you last have one?" "ummmm err a couple years ago" "Who is your gyn?" "Ummmm well, family doc does it I guess, I think she did my last one but before that ob's NP did them her name was Jeannie." "You don't seem too sure" "uh well, I am sure I have had one." So, I am scheduled for one right before Blogher.

But surgery is on the plate for probably August. Strange mass in the intestine near the ileum for the ct scan but that could be normal "stuff". We will go with the normal stuff option even though as we all know I did an awful lot of bathroom visits pre-ct scan.

Surgeon and GI seem to be having a difference of opinion on process but I think they are working it out. If not, from the looks of GI today, she will probably ever so nicely take one of her heels to his private parts to encourage him appropriately. Starting to wonder about choosing another fine surgeon in town.

Oh, and back on protonix and lab work. woo hoo. My favorites.

Friday, July 14, 2006

CT Scan Update

Scan went off with few hitches. Guy tech trying too hard to be personable, asking too many questions, just do it already. He also couldn't get the iv in good so while it returned well, it wasn't past the valve, so I have some pretty nasty swelling/soreness and an ugly bruise. The double dose of barium really works better for me than the hypaque, but still bites. I am zonked and have been to the bathroom triple the normal number of times for me. I also have a migraine. I think this is related to the iodine iv since I seem to get one every time regardless of prep.

Nurse called and said things looked ok, they would see me Monday and work on scheduling "things" with the surgeon. Sigh. Ack. (particularly since guy tech threw the words partial colectomy into his chatter today which sounds much more yucky than snagging the mystery bump.) Why couldn't they just say woo hoo mystery bump has vanished.

BTW-official name of mystery bump has been upgraded to "cecal lump" but I think I will call it Bob.

E-Z-EM : CT Imaging : Smoothies

E-Z-EM : CT Imaging : Smoothies: "Great Smoothie Fruit Flavors!
Apple, Banana, Berry, and now … Creamy Vanilla"

I have the extra special Berry Smoothie. No Hawaiian Punch this time, just a double dose of Berry. mmmm mmmm good.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

CT Scan Friday

Which means prep tomorrow night and bright and early Friday morning. (that steady sip thing I love!) Bought the Hawaiian Punch Mixer this evening. Woohoo. Nothing like a gallon of red sugar water to make me look forward to waking up on Friday!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Advil! Yay! Boo!

Health News Article | "Regular colonoscopy with follow-up treatment if needed can help prevent colon cancer in patients with ulcerative colitis, new research suggests. Likewise, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, seems to reduce the risk as well."

Ha! Well, what they don't mention is that aspirin and ibuprofen rank as no-nos of high order for the tummy troubled. Hmmm maybe I should say "Bring on the Advil! Less pain! More Blood! No colon cancer!"

Thursday, July 06, 2006

GAH! *

Apparently, the surgeon tracked down my doctor at the hospital and cornered her or some such. Now her nurse is tracking me down to schedule ANOTHER CT scan. Oh goodie! Souvenier cup! Do you think you get a new one for a repeat visit?

My gut was not happy before news of the call, now it is having a full scale protest.

*Title comes from my word of the day along with Squee!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Surgeon wants to talk to gi doc before scheduling. Uh, I thought he already had?

Tummy troubles have seemed miserable lately. Maybe just this lingering for a month infection makes it seem that way? Ob la di ob la da

By the way: if you have Crohn's, do not run an infection for a month or so, (oh good grief, I have crohn's AND am on immunosuppressants, who am I kidding? I always have an infection.) watch it progress a bit, then spend a week or so, knocking yourself out, because well, it is your only chance and you wouldn't miss it for the world, then be surprised when you fall miserably, grossly ill afterwards. (especially combined with menstruation) (still would do it all over again, no question)