Sunday, October 23, 2005

Tummy Days and Sundays...

Friday was a yucky tummy day which developed into a yucky tummy and migraine night. Migraine continued until Saturday morning whereupon it vanished. Mentruation arrived just as I was pondering if this could be the key to the yucky tummy and head. Afterwards yesterday was pretty good.

Today though, migraine is back, yucky tummy in full force with nausea, the famous Crohn's mucus and everything else. BLEAH.

Of course, I have planned pork chops for the family for dinner. Cross your fingers that I can get through the prep.

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TW said...

LOL Kahlo, now theres a thought.

I think the tshirt campaign is a good idea
I myself am ready to start an anti pharmacy campaign

TW said...

Well, the biggy is that I am a lesbian so thus don't need birth control at this point. I didn't like the pill so much when I was on it, but that was uhhhh ummm more than 13 years ago now. I preferred the IUD. I have never been a good pill taker, though I have gotten good with the slew of tummy drugs. I gained weight on it. And, well, I like my cycle to be mine. Weird, I know. We have tossed it around as an idea and I think I might go for it after the surgery and giving the remicade a shot.